Sunday, August 25, 2013

Minnesota Workers Compensation Claims For PTSD / Post Traumatic Stress Disorders.

Post traumatic stress disorder is classified as an anxiety; the characteristic symptoms of which are not present before exposure to a violently traumatic event. Typically the individual with PTSD persistently avoids all thoughts, emotions and discussion of the stressor event and may experience amnesia for it.  However, the event is commonly relived by the individual through intrusive, recurrent recollections, flashbacks and nightmares.  The characteristic symptoms are considered acute if lasting less than three months, chronic if persisting three months or more, and with delayed onset if the symptoms first occur after six months or some years later. PTSD is distinct from the briefer than acute stress disorder and can cause clinical impairment in significant areas of functioning.


PTSD is believed to be caused by the experience of a wide range of traumatic events and, particularly if the trauma is extreme, can occur in persons with no predisposing conditions.  Persons considered at risk include combat military personnel, victims of natural disasters, and victims of violent crime.   PTSD can also be caused from those suffering work place injuries or being involved in traumatic work place incidents.  You do NOT necessarily need to sustain a physical injury in Minnesota to be found to have sustained an injury.  Individuals not infrequently experience "survivor's guilt" for remaining alive while others died. Causes of the symptoms of PTSD are the experiencing or witnessing of a stressor event involving death, serious injury or such threat to the self or others in a situation in which the individual felt intense fear, horror, or powerlessness.  Persons who are employed in occupations which expose them to violence firefighters, police officers, construction workers or disasters are also at risk.

The lawyers at Minnesota Disability and Atkinson Law Office have a combined experience of over 40 years working with injured and disabled individuals.  Both Tom and Kerry Atkinson have previously defended employers and insurers and now exclusively represent injured workers.  Our consultations are absolutely FREE.  Call today at 651-333-3636 for a free consultation.  Remember there is never a fee unless we recover benefits for you.  Also visit us at