You have the absolute right to chose the attorney who represents you in a workers compensation matter. At Minnesota Disability and Atkinson Law Office we have recovered millions of dollars for our injured and disabled clients. Regardless of who you chose to represent you, Minnesota laws require that we ALL charge the same fee and that said fee is always paid directly by the insurance company rather than you!
Attorney Thomas Atkinson has been recognized by his peers as both a Rising Star and Superlawyer honors indicating he is one of Minnesota's top worker compensation attorneys. Atkinson Law Offices has successfully represented clients throughout Minnesota including; Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, St. Cloud, Alexandria, Rochester and throughout the Iron Range. Our staff includes individuals with decades of experience handling workers compensation claims. Atkinson Law Office and Minnesota Disability have the unique experience of having individuals who have previously represented insurance companies and employers in workers compensation disputes. Our practice is now limited to representing injured employees and are anxious to share the secrets we have learned over many decades to maximize your benefits and monetary recovery.
If you are looking for a top Minnesota Work Comp attorney, contact our office today. Do NOT wait until you have a benefit dispute, you may already be losing benefits that your have been advised. Contact Tom Atkinson at 651-414-0678 or tom@mndisability.com Also visit out website at www.mndisability.com